Reptile Breeder Game 'Standard Version'
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Haileywanabee (#34134): Hopes I’ll take her please?
Haileywanabee (#34134): Check out this reptile!
Hopes (#35302): Female royal if anyone is interested!
Hopes (#35302): Check out this reptile!
Morphmaker101 (#13981): Coastals with 3 supers and 3% COI just hatched. Pm if of interest to you
WWECornSerpent (#2122): It's World Pangolin Day today!
KeilaEunice (#28470): hello guys
Haileywanabee (#34134): Hi John Kelly :)
John_Kelly (#28303): Hi Hailey. :)
Haileywanabee (#34134): Hi Goose
KeilaEunice (#28470): hello!
Goose (#28805): hello
KeilaEunice (#28470): yay!
John_Kelly (#28303): I'll join your discord, I'm in the games discord as well.
KeilaEunice (#28470): no worries
John_Kelly (#28303): I'm back, sorry went on another walk with my dog before getting ready for bed.
KeilaEunice (#28470): yes, i still breed em
Hopes (#35302): I joined! And I love her! She is a bit older, but I don't think they are considered senior until they are like 27. I am assuming they can still breed until at least then?
KeilaEunice (#28470):
KeilaEunice (#28470): feel free to join!
KeilaEunice (#28470): Check out this reptile!
KeilaEunice (#28470): i think i have the perfect girl, she is a lil older, but she is 5 loci, white with blue eyes
Hopes (#35302): I do use discord.
Hopes (#35302): I will say the smaller the number of morphs/genes, the better. I am still fairly new to the game, and I can only breed up to a handful of genes.
KeilaEunice (#28470): ok lemme check on mine, it might take me a lil bit cause i have a lot of royals, do you use discord? its easier to chat there and i have a server of the game :)
Hopes (#35302): Not specific morph, but preferably a completely white or nearly white. I'm open to either male or female.
KeilaEunice (#28470): any specific morph? male or female?
Hopes (#35302): Hey, I am looking for a royal with blue eyes. Does anyone have one they are willing to sell? I'm only looking for an adult or younger. Thanks!
KeilaEunice (#28470): do you use discord?
KeilaEunice (#28470): oh, i have another female you might like
KeilaEunice (#28470): sent
KeilaEunice (#28470): alright sending now
John_Kelly (#28303): Ooo yeah, I'd like whichever one your fine with.
KeilaEunice (#28470): the second one is 6 loci
KeilaEunice (#28470): Check out this reptile!
KeilaEunice (#28470): Check out this reptile!
KeilaEunice (#28470): i have 2 302q females do you want one?
John_Kelly (#28303): Will do, I'll be sure to keep an eye out.
KeilaEunice (#28470): sure, send em, let me know if you need any other retics or royals
John_Kelly (#28303): If you don't want the extra ones I put up just let me know and I'll take them off.
John_Kelly (#28303): I put them and some others up for you, they're already reserved.
KeilaEunice (#28470): they dont sow up for me in the market
KeilaEunice (#28470): can u reserve those 2 for me please?
KeilaEunice (#28470): Check out this reptile!
KeilaEunice (#28470): Check out this reptile!
KeilaEunice (#28470): yeah i do lol, i ll check em out now
John_Kelly (#28303): I remember you said you needed new blood.
John_Kelly (#28303): Haha your good I took my boy out too, I put some I hatched out up for sale.
KeilaEunice (#28470): sorry about the delay, i was taking the dog out to potty
KeilaEunice (#28470): alwyas! you put them up as stud or for sale?

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