Reptile Breeder Game 'Standard Version'
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ACapaldo4902 (#35631): If anyone wants Sunny, she is now on the market!
ACapaldo4902 (#35631): Check out this reptile!
Joker13 (#19997): gorgeous snake
Coles-Cookies (#35632): Check out this reptile!
Joker13 (#19997): hows everyone doing?
Joker13 (#19997): sell reptiles, fodder breed, or do contracts
ACapaldo4902 (#35631): How can I get more Reptos?
ACapaldo4902 (#35631): Morning Joker13!
Joker13 (#19997): Check out this reptile!
Joker13 (#19997): morning all
Morphmaker101 (#13981): Check out this reptile!
Morphmaker101 (#13981): Check out this reptile!
skyewalker38 (#17322): hi all
skyewalker38 (#17322): Savage i missed u nooooo
Katie1999 (#24277): Check out this reptile!
Katie1999 (#24277): Hi!
jkutz02 (#25056): morph is that one for sale?
Morphmaker101 (#13981): Check out this reptile!
AlterAngelus27 (#28240): Dragon male for sell
AlterAngelus27 (#28240): Check out this reptile!
SavageWolffSoul (#26117): Well if that's the case, I'll take however many Orange and Yellow ones you have left available.
jkutz02 (#25056): i know but i guess nobody needed any lol
SavageWolffSoul (#26117): Really?? Koi are typically popular.
jkutz02 (#25056): nobody has asked for anymore
SavageWolffSoul (#26117): Oh I never actually needed more, just wanted a few cause I could. That's why I mentioned other players 1st
SavageWolffSoul (#26117): Yeah, I gotta breed my royals too but breeding is the last thing I do in a turn. I gotta manage imports 1st then continue rehoming the rejects before I can get to breeding.
jkutz02 (#25056): i still have some more koi if you need more
jkutz02 (#25056): imgood just trying to breed some ph royals
SavageWolffSoul (#26117): Doing alright. Admitted I actually slept in and I'm just waking up. How are tou doing this evening?
jkutz02 (#25056): how r u today
SavageWolffSoul (#26117): Ello jkutz
jkutz02 (#25056): hey savage
SavageWolffSoul (#26117): 0.0 What are the odds?! All of my imports today are female.
Kayleigh29 (#35096): I have put my turns on hold until I have the dart frogs I need
Kayleigh29 (#35096): Just letting you all know I'm still here I'm Checking in a few times a day also market, so if anyone tries to grab my attention just leave me a message and for any reptiles I have asked for I still check the market even if I don't catch you
jkutz02 (#25056): Check out this reptile!
jkutz02 (#25056): Check out this reptile!
Morphmaker101 (#13981): Check out this reptile!
Morphmaker101 (#13981): Still trying to cut down my collection size. I have a lot of first produced Royals I’ve grown, but not paired up that I’d like to see go to other breeders. Message me with Genetics you’re looking for and I’ll do my best to put together a group of animals for you.
Morphmaker101 (#13981): Check out this reptile!
Morphmaker101 (#13981): Check out this reptile!
jkutz02 (#25056): Savage whenever you see this check out my koi tabs and let me know which newborn koi you would like
jkutz02 (#25056): anyone still online
Haileywanabee (#34134): WWE I’ll take a pair of corn snakes 3 female hognose snakes and a trio of Bettas please:)
WWECornSerpent (#2122): Last call for a pair of Cornsnakes Q350+, 3 female Hoggies Q 340+ and a trio of Bettas Q 341+. They will all go in my Shop tomorrow.
Morphmaker101 (#13981): Check out this reptile!
Morphmaker101 (#13981): Proven 18 Loci Male Royal
Morphmaker101 (#13981): Check out this reptile!
SavageWolffSoul (#26117): Much appreciated dear
AlterAngelus27 (#28240): Two female dragon newborns on market if anyone is looking

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