Reptile Breeder Game 'Standard Version'
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Morphmaker101 (#13981): Check out this reptile!
Morphmaker101 (#13981): Check out this reptile!
Morphmaker101 (#13981): Check out this reptile!
Morphmaker101 (#13981): Check out this reptile!
charlsiecf (#32793): Amazing!!
Steelsahrk (#30473): Check out this reptile!
charlsiecf (#32793): Lmk if anyone wants any reptiles I have. I'm just happy to be here and share the love!
charlsiecf (#32793): WWE, looks like I missed your Bush Vipers. Would you mind shooting me a dm next time any go on sale? Just getting into them!
AlterAngelus27 (#28240): Anyone have any Octo? Looking to buy the imported ones for anywhere between 5k-30k, dk how much they go for so willing to negotiate.
WWECornSerpent (#2122): Reserved 3 for you as you have 2 males.
WWECornSerpent (#2122): Once I hatch my clutches I will!
Knine (#19524): anyone got a female Russian Rat Snake I can buy?
WWECornSerpent (#2122): Female Bush Vipers on Market
WWECornSerpent (#2122): Good morning!
lesmisfan (#15565): hello
WWECornSerpent (#2122): Of course, a lot depends upon your device and internet connection.
WWECornSerpent (#2122): I haveyet ot experience any real problem with the Market...only a quick moment to start and just a few seconds to finish loading, including chat, which is the last to load.
GypsyVannerLovers (#27001): You have to wait for a long time for it to load, there's an outrageous number of reptiles for sale sometimes.
doveskies (#32184): i have it everytime so i have never been able to use the market lmao
Knine (#19524): yeah sometimes
doveskies (#32184): hey does anyone else have problems with the reptile market, everytime i use it it says page not responding
WWECornSerpent (#2122): Market Price History (Morph Price History at top of drop-down window when you click Show Sell or Abandon Options) has a much lower sale price on average. I think the last Spooky Cats I sold were around 10-15K.
WWECornSerpent (#2122): Savage - the one listed has been there for quite awhile and is hideously over-priced.
SavageWolffSoul (#26117): Bio finally updated. I really wish we could have proper spacing in our bios so we don't have to add a bunch of unnecessary symbols lol
SavageWolffSoul (#26117): Is 250k too much for Spooks? Been gone a while and the only one listed before mine is for 100m so 250k is already 400x better but I don't know, still feels high to me
SavageWolffSoul (#26117): Ignore me, just need my own hyperlink
GypsyVannerLovers (#27001): Check out this reptile!
GypsyVannerLovers (#27001): Check out this reptile!
Kaatsu (#34049): Check out this reptile!
Deproman (#28499): Hi WWE!
WWECornSerpent (#2122): Hi Alter!
WWECornSerpent (#2122): All are 0% COI and male will produce 0% COI with both females.
AlterAngelus27 (#28240): Hello everyone
WWECornSerpent (#2122): Trio of Stegosaurus on Market
mistdragonwolf (#15910): Hiii skye
Nova (#20319): Just put 10 newly RTB royals on stud market
skyewalker38 (#17322): hi guys
Knine (#19524): and females of Dart Frog, Colostethus
Knine (#19524): looking for male Dart Frog, Hyloxalus
snow (#25): Check out this reptile!
snow (#25): Check out this reptile!
Joker13 (#19997): hi all
Nova (#20319): Hiiii skye!!!
skyewalker38 (#17322): hi nova
Nova (#20319): (Just reset my account awhile ago) so I don’t have much to sell at this point. . But I have a RTB older male koi that’s around 14 Y/O or I have a 1 month old 0% COI koi male
Nova (#20319): I have a few I believe
AlterAngelus27 (#28240): Or selling? I need a few new males to keep my lines from getting inbred.
AlterAngelus27 (#28240): Anyone have any Male Siamese Fighting Fish they are willing to stud? 0 COI preferably, but will take low COI.
AlterAngelus27 (#28240): Grumpy thank you for the 0 COI Fish, but I can't stud mine to him. You bought him from me lol, he's the kid to one of mine.
skyewalker38 (#17322): ten snakes left

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